Kitty and SuperPutty: fix for -cmd

If you’re using SuperPutty ( and KiTTY ( there is a slight bug where the passed in -cmd on the Extra Putty Arguements won’t work. It turns out, KiTTY ignores the -cmd argument when a -load is added, and SuperPutty uses this argument to load the session.

Fix for now: Make sure your Putty Session Profile is blank. This will stop the -load argument from being passed to KiTTY, and will allow your -cmd argument to work.

I’ve asked KiTTY to allow the -cmd to overwrite any autocommand in a -load session. As of these versions, this bug still exists:


Update Nov. 11th

I figured out kitty_portable.exe will use what you put in the “Default Settings” profile even if you don’t specify this session on -load. The regular kitty.exe was not doing this. Very handy!

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